Good afternoon Dynalogic and HTC,
This is to acknowledge that i have received the package today.
when i open the box, i discover, there is a deep stretch mark on screen.
The cost of my repair is:
- Display replacement
- Battery replacement.
if thats is the case, why am i getting deep stretch mark on screen ?
I have try to clean it off but its the glass on the screen that is very deep stretch.
when i run my finger nail over it, i can feel that its kind of broken glass ( screen )
Attachment is the photo i took, i do not accept paying 217.80€ for a Deep stretch mark on my screen.
I want a new replacement screen with no damage on the glass and the refund of my 217.80€.
this is completely not acceptable.
Please take this case seriously, its not very profession of HTC nor the repair center of Dynalogic to deceiving thier customers this way.
Edmund WEE